Tuesday, 11 November 2014

Music of the Century

Pop music seems to have taken a turn for the worst. Today it’s all about the bass and not about actually making good music. Songs are mediocre at best. Even music videos, something that is supposed to help create a message of the song and advertise it seems to be lacklustre. Have musicians just got lazy or am I missing something?
(Side note: Didn't you expect her to be fatter? I did, I expected this...
Damn I actually understand the song now)

Cheryl 'Who am I?' Tweedy Cole Tweedy Fernandez-Versini

Listen to Cheryl Fernandez-Versini's new song "I Don't Care". It is a horrible song with very repetitive lyrics. The song does have a really catchy tune and is easy to grasp, yet the lyrics seem cheap, even for a Cheryl song, "Waking up diagonal like an animal in a cold and empty bed". Really Cheryl? You are better than that! We understand you had a horrible break up and you don't care anymore, you had something with 'Fight for this Love' and 'Parachute', but this has just gotten ridiculous. "I heard you brought that girl around in half a gown and asked if I've been there, oh yeah" what does that even mean, did you already sleep with the girl before your ex got with her? It seems like our Cheryl is not even trying to make a decent song anymore.
Take a look at the music video, I'm pretty sure it has the same 4 or 5 clips of Cheryl dancing on a boat or a beach on loop. For trying to copy Taylor Swifts "Sake it off" I don't think it deserves number 1 nor does it deserve the award. I was hoping more from Cheryl.

Using Cheryl as an example most people would agree it is not a good song, so why is it popular? Why does it get awards? Why does Cheryl break UK history for an album that is so poorly done? it is an insult to the Queen? Most artists want to break into the "UK top 40", I would hardly call it that anymore. If it was actually judged on quality of the song rather than quantity of sales probably more than half of those "Number 1" artists wouldn't even be able to be called that and would still be doing small gigs. Take Maroon 5 and One Republic, both great artists who dramatically changed their sound from actually songs with a message to pop garbage. The term "sell out" should be ringing about now. If you listen to early Maroon 5 and One Republic they actually have a nice sound and songs that people actually would listen too, not just scream "THIS IS MY SONG" after we had a few tequila shots. You can argue that they are trying something new and it works since they are a Top 40 artists. I'll just use the word "Sell out" again, they sold their style to fit the popular image. Which is crank up that base and put in some Dubstep so when you hit the clubs you can hear your song.

EMA (Expected Music Awards)

Last weekend we saw the EMAs, hosted by the funny for the wrong reasons Nicki Minaj. The event went onto be dominated by One Direction, 5SOS and Arianna Grande. It was actually a great show to watch and we saw the great one hit wonder Kiesza do her hilarious dancing. We also got to see Anaconda by Nicki Minaj be performed, which was actually an obvious choice given the host. Now my problem with these "Award" Shows is that they don’t  seem to be accurate. As much as I don't like the heavily over played, very repetitive, highly irritating, past its date song "Happy" by Pharrell Williams. As far as I am aware Justin Bieber has not really been on the charts this year or for as long as the other nominees seems people just vote blindly for who they like, but Justin Bieber? He is actually the Comedian musical version of Steve Carrell no talent but yet still very popular in their industry. It amazes me what people become famous for these days. *Cough* Kim Kardashian *Cough*.


Please don't steal my Talent

Now there is always a silver lining to all tragedies. Even though the front of the music industry is as South Park put it "Selling Sex to little girls" (Please tell me "Steal my Girl" by One Direction is not about a creepy obsessive boyfriend "I don't exist without her love" "She belongs to me". Yeah that is one step away fro stalker.) This song makes me think One Direction are he kind of guys who think they are in a relationship with a girl but when she actually gets a boyfriend they don't really understand and go around shooting up a school.
You can actually find some decent music if you search. And you get the benefit of looking "Indy" because you have a favourite band none of your other friends listen too. Now this is why I personally don't agree with Taylor Swift taking her music off of Spotify because that is actually how I found her music. Maybe have one or two albums or a few songs so you can sample the artist? I actually found a lot of cool music on Spotify that is not considered "UK Top 40 Material" although it should. Such as Shinedown, who are a Rock band from, funnily enough Florida. Imagine Dragons, Fun,  and loads of others just by looking on "Related artists" you can find yourself lost in a world you did not even know existed.
Music will always go into a flux and what is "OHMERGERD" may not be in a few years or months even. For example, what happened to Robin Thicke or Lady Gaga? He was like the shit back in 2012-13, from being grinded by Miley to having Pharrell as his music bitch. And has Lady Gaga finally been absorbed by her Gay army living on as a spiritual God?  I just hope the next evolution to music isn't simple, I pray people like Sam Smith, Adele, John Legend (potential one hit), Hozier actually raise the bar and musicians like Meghan Trainor, Sia, Magic! don't have a chance to even make it to the big leagues. Only time will tell but for now, all I can say is actually listen to the song, ask yourself "does this even make sense or is it just a catchy beat".